New Layout

After much searching, I believe I have found a blog I can keep for more than a few days before getting bored with it. Excitement and joy overwhelm me.

Okay, that's a serious exaggeration. It's late - early - however you want to word it, since it's 5:24 am and I haven't slept yet.

I did some serious overhaul. Most noticeably in the layout, of course, and the title. It's in Czech, one of the many cultures I can call my own and one of the most prominent in our family. I thought it would make it more unique, that's my only excuse. I know some foul language, but then thought better of it. If anyone who actually knows Czech saw my blog - which is highly unlikely - I could be banned for the words. So, it's simple.

I hope someone reads my post under this one, I'm rather proud of it! Even if it is sort of depressing. I don't know, something different.


Uzume of Flight said...

Do my comments work this time....

Dominique said...

Yes! It's working now. I really like your previous post! Very well written! I was up until like 4:30 last night too changing stuff on my blog because I couldn't sleep. I think I'm going to keep my new one. I like your new profile much better than the last one.

Noelle said...

I like your new layout! Its very you ;)

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